slowing down and taking notice

[Musings from the manse – 4th April 2020]

One of the reasonable excuses for leaving home, unless you have been told to shield, is for exercise once a day. This means we can go for a walk and enjoy the emerging signs of spring that are coming in nature.

It can be quite tempting to rush our exercise, trying to get as much out of our “out of the house” experience as possible, but maybe we should just slow down a little bit and look around us.

Out on a walk the other day, we paused for a moment and if we had not done so we would have missed a buzzard flying low over our heads. If we had kept on going, we would have been out of sight. 

Slow down and take notice.

As you walk, be attentive to the sights and sounds. Listen to the bird song, look at the buds turning into leaves, the insects feeding. Slow down and notice the world that God has created.

Slow down and take notice.

Slow down and take notice of people. As you keep your two-metres distance, say hello, smile, wave, make a connection. People are being starved of human contact. Connect with them.

Slow down and take notice of people’s homes. Pray for the people in them; it doesn’t matter that you don’t know them. Pray for them and the struggles they are facing at this time – similar struggles to you. Look out for signs of children, or signs of age and vulnerability.

Slow down and take notice.

Slow down and take notice of God. What excuses are you making for not spending time with God in this time of self-isolation? We can always find something do. But there are only so many times you can clean the windows, cut the grass, or clean the car (you’re not driving it, so it can’t be getting that dirty!). Take advantage of this precious time and spend some of it with God. He would be delighted. 

Take a walk with God. Tell him how you are feeling. Share you concerns. Share your pain. Share your joy. Share your life in this time of isolation.

Slow down and take notice.

Yours in Christ


Click here to find some suggested readings for Holy Week

Andy Mills
Minister of CBC